2012-7-11 15:51:47
                              管 磨 机 导 安 装 协 议
Ball Mill Installation Guide Agreement
Party A: Jiangsu Pengfei Group Hai’an Construction Materials Equipment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A)
乙方:                                (以下简称乙方)
Party B:                                 (hereinafter referred to as Party B)
At the request of Party B, Party A dispatches technical personnel to guide installation for the purchased Ball Mill. (Details refer to <<Industrial Products Sales Contract>>)
Hereby make the both parties’ rights and obligation clear as following:
1.  甲方权利:甲方以100美元/天/人向乙方收取国外技术服务费。
1.  Rights of Party A: Party A receives foreign technical service charge of USD 50 per day for each technical personnel from Party B.
2.  甲方义务:收到乙方通知指导安装的通知后,及时委派技术全面的专家,前往乙方指定的地点进行管磨机指导安装,直至管磨机安装完成。所委派的技术人员应积极配合乙方,确保管磨机的正确安装。
2. Obligation of Party A: After get the notice from Party B about the installation guide, Party A shall timely appoint professional experts to the site appointed by Party B to guide the installation for the Ball Mill till installation finished. The dispatched technical personnel shall actively coordinate with Party B to ensure the correct installation for the Ball Mill.
3.  乙方权利:在管磨机基础完成后,通知甲方技术人员前往,进行球磨机指导安装。
3. Rights of Party B: After the completion of the foundation for the Ball Mill, Party B shall inform the technical personnel from Party A to start the guide installation.
4.  乙方义务:1)确保甲方委派技术人员的安全。
4. Obligation of Party B:
  1) Guarantee the security of the appointed technical personnel from Party A.
  2 Actively coordinate with the appointed technical personnel from Party A
  3) Pay Party A technical service charge.
  4) Pay the engineer’s round trip air tickets and .the appointed technical personnel from Party A the traffic expenses in Thailand.
  5) Provide the technical personnel from Party A the life guarantee in Thailand free of charge (diet, accommodation, transportation included)
5. Any matters not covered in this agreement, both sides can resolve together through friendly consultation. If failed, both sides will apply for the prosecution to the People's Court in agreement signed.
6. Both sides agreed: The installation guide period temporarily fixed to be 30 days. The agreement turns to be effect when Party B pays USD 1500 to Party A. The settlement shall be based on actual installation guide days.
7. Party B to provide the life allowance of USD20 per day to each appointed technical personnel from Party A.
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